Wiki pages
Please sign in (first name), tell us where you are from, and tell us what you plan to do with your educational wiki (if you need ideas, see the Wiki Walk-Through!):
Kelly from Seattle trying to learn about Wiki's.
LB: hope to create a page where special education teachers can share
CHS, near Gettysburg, PA, hope to make a travel wiki about our town
Mark; Sacramento, CA; hope students will create a logo/slogan wiki for their marketing class.
Hi, I'm a school librarian in Dallas, Texas, and I'm learning how to set up a wiki for my school. This is fun!
Amy, Potsdam, NY Creating wiki to support student learning.
Comments (4)
Ollie Nolan said
at 2:05 pm on Mar 25, 2009
Ollie; Oak Ridge, TN; hope to create a policy and procedures site for the library
Shirley Miller said
at 10:19 am on Jun 7, 2009
Shirley; Cupertino, CA I've used pbworks for four years and love it! Their support people respond within 30 minutes, but usually it is much faster than that. My students love having their own personal web page to tell other students what they like and what they are doing. Just checking out what Teachersfirst is doing with it.
Mary Krieg said
at 2:27 pm on Oct 10, 2009
Hi, I'm a school librarian in Dallas, Texas, and I'm learning how to set up a wiki for my school. This is fun!
Glenn Lindstrom said
at 4:56 pm on Jan 11, 2012
Hello there! I'm working as a computer techie. this is my first attempt at this.
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